to Shaarei Shamayim
A Modern Orthodox Shul
Welcome to Congregation Shaarei Shamayim. We are an in-town Modern Orthodox shul, whose spiritual focus is developing a relationship with Gd through prayer, the study of Torah, and reaching out to our fellow human beings with chesed, love and compassion.
Our mission is to be an open community to our fellow Jews and all people, by welcoming all who enter our doors without judgment, bringing the beauty of the Torah into the lives of whoever is interested.
Our shul is a place of comfort, companionship, and healing. We are a community of families and singles who care about each other, for we believe in the holiness of the human spirit—that every human being is an image of Gd.
“The world stands on three things: Torah (it’s observance and the study of), Avodah (worship and prayer), and G’milut Chassadim (acts of love and kindness).” (Pirke Avot 1:2)